Saturday, September 18, 2004

Saturday, September 18, 2004 - A ShadowAngel Improvement Update

I think I've lost a few pounds since starting my weight loss/fitness endeavor a couple weeks ago. It's a little hard for me to tell since my weight fluctuates a lot normally, but so far, so good. I really do need to improve my diet though.

I had another appointment today with Tim, my instructor over at the BAC. Oh, if any of you are wondering, he's not really my personal trainer, although I know I've referred to him as such in previous posts. I would need to have a lot more money to have a personal trainer! As it is, these appointments are covered by the gym membership. Very cool - I need a little external motivation sometimes.

Tim's been helping me out setting up a program on the Nautilus machines (so I can get buff - ha!). The (good) odd thing though is that he keeps asking me back for more appointments. The standard there is 4 initial appointments, and then periodic appointments just to check on how things are going. Well, he just asked me back for #6. This means either:

  • I'm totally incompetent at this fitness thing and I need more help, or
  • He needs appointments to fill his schedule so he looks like he has something to do, or
  • For some strange reason he enjoys my company

Probably some combination of those, actually. What the hey, he's fun to talk to and I think he sincerely has my best interests at heart. And, as I mentioned before, he's damn cute!


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