Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - Anxiety Is Setting In

I was awake much of the night worrying about the trip. Not so much the actual being in HK, which I am sure will be very strange and exciting but manageable. But the flight just terrifies me.

God, I hate flying. The thought of being on a plane for 16 hours is just not fun. I know, I know, it'll be fine (especially with the help of some sleep aids). It's just the lack of control of the situation that bothers me. Pretty typical stuff.

Well, I'll have Ironwolf's shoulder to whimper on during the trip there, so I'll take some comfort in that. Of course, I'll be returning alone, so....

I am going to miss my babies so much. I've never been away from them longer than overnight.

I'm just going to start blubbering soon if I continue, so for now I'll push it out of my mind and get on with things. What else can you do?


Blogger Mz. Gydnew said...

International flight = inflight movies and free alchohol (at least that was the benefit to my one international flight)

Leaving the kids is hard but you will manage and they will have fun. Are they staying with a grandma?

10/13/2004 11:40 PM  

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