Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - Revelations On Old Friends

Also because I couldn't sleep last night, I started looking for a couple of my old friends online that I haven't heard from in years.

One of them is a college guy friend that I was very close to. I couldn't find much about him directly except for some old IT-related newsgroup posts. But then I saw his name and his wife's name connected with some Doggy Olympics-type dogs, and managed to follow that back to their personal site. There wasn't much there as far as content, but I could tell that they've moved from Boston to San Diego, have no children, and are really into their dogs and trains. They had a bunch of pictures up there - they look good. I don't know if I should get in touch - there was a point where I might have been seen as the "other woman" (which was never actually the case).

The other is a high school girl friend. She was valedictorian (I was 3rd in the class). She went to the U.S. Naval Academy, so I was a little disturbed by what I found. The first thing I found was a news article which featured a statement by a Major wiht her name (who seemed to be in the Marines, not the navy, but I am not sure). The article was only a couple days old, and apparently she was an official spokesperson in Najaf, Iraq for the military. I don't know if there is any way to confirm her identity. The strange thing is, I also found a page about 5 years old which showed her in a community theatre production in a suburb of San Diego. So I don't know what to think. I just hope she's ok.


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